Order Form

Full Name (Nama Lengkap):
Email Address / Multiply URL (alamat email / URL multiply):
Sending Address (alamat lengkap pengiriman) :
Mobile number (No. HP ):
Your order list with quantity (Daftar pesanan beserta jumlahnya) ex. earring sweet diandra 1 and especially for custom name monel sertakan code and personalalized letters ex. DH 020 Naina :
Additional massage (Pesan) :
Payment (Pembayaran) BCA 0094910184 an. Arika Noormala
BNI 0135754342 an. Arika Noormala
Mandiri 1350004426787 an. Arika Noormala
Muamalat 913 7196399 an. Arika Noormala
Sending Day (Hari Pengiriman) : Monday (Senin)
Thursday (Kamis)

Minggu, 22 Juni 2008


Please fill your testimonial and your comments on this form

thank you so much for your participation


Email Address / multiply id:

Date you accept the package (tanggal paket sampai kepada anda)

Your comments

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