There is original precisious crystal from egypt
asfour crystal has wonderfoul shining, luxurious taste and will attract everyone when see it.
its only one a kind
each product include original box or soft pouch
so hurry up, get asfour crystal (brooch,bracelet,necklace or tasbih)
very limited just one a kind
How Is Asfour Crystal Made?
The essence of crystal is sand. It is refined to be very pure -- silica sand. Asfour has used silica sand from Belgium, and now uses sand from its own mine in Egypt. Many chemicals are added to purify the crystal, giving it clarity, sparkle, and transparency. Each chemical has an effect on one of these properties. One of the chemicals is lead, which makes the crystal clear and brighter. The quality of crystal is measured by the lead content. The chemical combination formula must balance, which is why around 30% is the highest lead content available.
The sand and chemicals are melted in sophisticated furnances at 2000 degrees Centigrade, transforming it into liquid crystal. The liquid is fed into sophisticated hydraulic presses, which press the dough between the two metal parts of the molds. This cools gradually over a 24-hour period so it won't crack, and results in pressed crystal parts. The parts are taken to the cutting operation, where they are cut with diamond saws. Diamond is the only material stronger than crystal. Only Asfour and Swarovski do all of their cutting polishing by machine, and this results in all of the cuts and facets being identical. The cutting process eliminates the curves to give the pieces sharp edges, and this produces an excellent sparkle. One machine does the cutting and another machine does the polishing. Additional tailored cuts for specific figurine manufacturing are done by hand. (An example is the round paperweight.) The parts are glued together with a special high-quality glue and dried under ultraviolet light.
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22 komentar:
plg krg plus ongkir ke btm brp yach??
Panjnagnya brp cm?
ini ori dr egypt kah??
box, brandnya masi lengkap ini asfour crystal dr egypt
coba diperbesar say buat liat kepingan brand logonya
ni diambilnya lgsung dari pabrik asfour crystal di egypt
ini bs mulur say karna dari karet
ongkir ke batam 12 ribu say, waktunya 3-4hari krj
cantik? brp?
pm sent yah
Waduh Mbak..bikin ngiler...hehehe suamiku kalo pas ke sana..aku juga pasti minta di beliin Asfour.Cyrstalnya bagus2...sekelas swarozky..aku pake gelang crystal..dipake tiap hari, kdg mandi juga lupa nyopot..dah beberapa th masih kinclong aja...sukses ya Mbak...
hihi yui say
thanks for ur suport
iy jeng mmg bgs bgt ni kristal,kilaunya itu loh yg ga nahan blink2 bo' ^__^
ini gelang ya
iy ini gelang say ^^
Wah, ternyata Asfour terkenal jg ya...
lah si bapak baru tau ya ^__^
Wah jangan panggil bapak mbak., masih muda :D...Kalo ane mah kalo mau beli langsung ke pusat Asfournya di Shubro El-Khoema, Egypt. Mbak, langsung dateng ke sini juga atau mengimpor?
hihi ^__^
eh btw km anak assalaam bukan ya
sy ambil langsung dari sana lwt shbt saya di assalaam dulu yang kuliah di Al-Azhar mesir
cantik banget brossnya..
hai..salam kenal.
trimakasih jeung ^^
salam kenal juga ^__^V
Salam sejahtera,
Saya seorang gadis dari Malaysia, ingin membeli butterfly brooch ini sebagai hadiah kepada bonda saya. Bolehkah saudara terangkan prosedur pembeliannya. Saya juga ingin membeli 3 lagi brooch Egypt, jumlah bilangan yang mahu dibeli 4 semuanya. Harap dapat dikirimkan gambar-gambar brooch asfour tersebut melalui e-mail. Alamat e-mail saya ialah Terima kasih. :-)
email sent dear
imut banget ... gak bisa kurang y harganya? ukuran? apa dari emas beneran?sms y, ke 08174178308.mksh
uda di pm ya bu
brp hrgnya say??
sista yg ungu ini uda sold out
adanya tinggal warna hitam, dan biru
kilaunya keren bgt say ga nyesel pokoknya. aku pribadi plg suka yg hitam krn kliatan keren bgt kilaunya, hrgnya 200 rb say. yg hitam warna emasnya itu lapis emas (gold platted) yg biru silver platted
cm tinggal satu aja say perwarnanya
bagusan mana sis ? yg hitam atau yg ini ?
jd pengen rubah order heheeh...
pm sent yah say
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