gold platted
IDR 270.000
There is original precisious crystal from egypt
asfour crystal has wonderfoul shining, luxurious taste and will attract everyone when see it.
its only one a kind
each product include original box or soft pouch
so hurry up, get asfour crystal (brooch,bracelet,necklace or tasbih)
very limited just one a kind
How Is Asfour Crystal Made?
The essence of crystal is sand. It is refined to be very pure -- silica sand. Asfour has used silica sand from Belgium, and now uses sand from its own mine in Egypt. Many chemicals are added to purify the crystal, giving it clarity, sparkle, and transparency. Each chemical has an effect on one of these properties. One of the chemicals is lead, which makes the crystal clear and brighter. The quality of crystal is measured by the lead content. The chemical combination formula must balance, which is why around 30% is the highest lead content available.
The sand and chemicals are melted in sophisticated furnances at 2000 degrees Centigrade, transforming it into liquid crystal. The liquid is fed into sophisticated hydraulic presses, which press the dough between the two metal parts of the molds. This cools gradually over a 24-hour period so it won't crack, and results in pressed crystal parts. The parts are taken to the cutting operation, where they are cut with diamond saws. Diamond is the only material stronger than crystal. Only Asfour and Swarovski do all of their cutting polishing by machine, and this results in all of the cuts and facets being identical. The cutting process eliminates the curves to give the pieces sharp edges, and this produces an excellent sparkle. One machine does the cutting and another machine does the polishing. Additional tailored cuts for specific figurine manufacturing are done by hand. (An example is the round paperweight.) The parts are glued together with a special high-quality glue and dried under ultraviolet light.
Pembelian 3 item atau lebih Ada diskon 10% yah sahabat ^^
Semua warna kuningnya GOLD PLATTED
warna putihnya berlapis emas putih
Untuk perawatan kilaunya setelah memakai di lap dengan lap perak yah sahabat
bisa jg didapat disini untuk lap peraknya harga 10rb
*Untuk Pertanyaan dan Pemesanan*
Sertakan nama (kode) produk yang akan ditanyakan/ diorder
Fast Respon : 0856-4144-3848
55 komentar:
Bu, bros gold plated (kupu-kupu) masih ada ga ? ongkir nya berapa ?
mase ada?
maap sis yg ini uda dibooking org
yang lain jg bagus2 loh say
hehehe... nuwun sewu, afaik namanya 'baroque', Mbak...
cantik sekali ya... *ngiler*
ohh hhihih maturnuwun mbakyu
keren bangetz
ngiler tapi mahal y...
iya sis ni asfour crystal say dan logamnya lapis emas
keren bgt deh
btl Kerennn bgt
Kinclong Moi, seraya melayang siapapun yang pakai . .
Aduuuh, ini juga bikin tambah pd lho..
Bersinar nian, kalu bg-nya gelap yakin makin kemilau . . nice
sy suka menyebut ini dng raindrop mb , sinarnya adem.
Ccckk, benderang moii .. maaf ya komen2 mll
wehehe thanks ya say dah dibntu promo ^^
iya gpp say
panjangnya brp sis?bs ganti warna?^__^
Mbak Rika, ukuran liontin heart ini ada berapa macam?
aku bingung je, harganya kok beda dengan yang di
karena beda panjang rantainya ya?
Kalo yang di foto ini berapa panjang rantainya Mbak?
Maturnuwun :)
bingung aku Mbak.... antara yang ini sama flat tear ... hihihi....
sama2 cantik :)
Mbak, boleh minta foto detailnya? maturnuwun :)
udah di pm ya mba paulin
Hi..Berapa harganya? crystalnya jenis apa ya?
sudah aku pm yah sis
ini crytal asfour sis, diimport dari mesir.kilauanya ok punya say ^^
waow... cantik ..
manis bngt................
trimakasih sist ^^
keren bgt, warna putihnya bisa ganti hijau ato biru? thx
yg inih dah paten dr pabrikan asfournya say, so ga bs ganti warna
Canti euy:>
Canti euy:>
Canti euy:>
thanks sis
assalam... mbak, klo kirim ke merak-banten totallnya berapa ?
boleh kurang ? hehehe...
ni juga mbaa.... Pm yah... aku tunggu ^_^
yang ini masih ada ?
sudah di pm yahh mba
are those real pearl or imitation?
ini pearl dari asfournya say
duh.....mupeng bgt sm yg bisa korting lg mbak....
untung ga lagi hamil...wkwkwkwk......gaswat ini...suamiku kudu beli'in kalo smp begini....:p
yg ini dah sol out sis
gelang yg masi ada
How can I place the order for this item and how much is it in US money? please send reply back to Thank you. Nighat
pm sent dear also on ur email
thx 4 coming ^^
warnanya cuma ini ya mba'.....? ga' ada yg laen....? hrg nettnya brp??? makasih
iya mba tgl 1 last stok ini aja
sudah pm yah mba,thanks
panjang gelang berapa, mbak?
panjangnya 19cm mba
mbak aku mau yang ini, ndak jadi yang birsthone
mbak barangnya dah aku terima, lucu dan bagus... thxs yach :D
wah senang dengernya
makasih bnyk ya mba sukma
Ini masih ada ?
bagus bgt d... gak ada lagi ya sis.. telat neh liatnya..
Pesen yg ini lagi masih bisa ga ya ?
maap sis sdh sold out say
sis, masih ada ?
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